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101 Guide to the LNSwap Crypto Aggregator

Learn how swap protocols use crypto aggregators and what’s coming to LNSwap in the near future.

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Crypto Liquidity Pools in DeFi: How They Work
A primer on crypto liquidity pools, token swaps and how they impact DeFi through decentralized exchanges.
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How to Perform Bitcoin Swaps to Stacks on LNSwap
How to swap BTC for STX using LNSwap? The LNSwap team gives a walkthrough.
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How LNSwap Bitcoin Swaps Work
LNSwap is a decentralized swap protocol that provides a fast, direct way of swapping Bitcoin for digital assets on the Stacks layer and vice versa that supports all on-chain and Lightning Bitcoin wallets.‍It also allows users to have full control over their funds during the swap process for a truly trustless experience.‍Let’s dive into how all this works.
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All about Stacks
Bitcoin was intentionally designed with a limited script to reduce the blockchain’s attack surface and increase its security and durability. Bitcoin layers, such as Stacks, build programmability on top of Bitcoin. Let’s dive in on Stacks and how it works.
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Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.

What is LNSwap?

LNSwap is a non custodial crypto currency swap that provides a fast, private way of swapping Bitcoin for Stacks and vice versa. We don't use any trackers or log any data that could identify our users.

Please note that this software is currently in alpha stage and is heavily worked on. If you experience any issues or have some feedback feel free to join LNSwap Discord #support channel.

Why should one use a non custodial swap protocol?

Non custodial protocol give you full control over your funds. All trades on LNSwap are executed in a way that we cannot access any of your funds.

Either the trade happens entirely and you get the exact amount of the asset you were promised or you will be able to do a refund. This concept is called atomicity and it is achieved with  Submarine Swaps.

What wallets are supported by LNSwap?

For Bitcoin, all regular and Lightning wallets are supported.

How to open Lightning channels with LNSwap?

We appreciate any channels you open with our Lightning nodes.

BTC LND node:0214d3cf7140506ed6c0b459892f5734272fa0b19e0ffc7e99ef120d40eca675fb@

Onion address:0214d3cf7140506ed6c0b459892f5734272fa0b19e0ffc7e99ef120d40eca675fb@77a3nqod6e5dou6lpff3udlolkj7rmdsic32ajwmws3yphhiiqn3dbad.onion:9735

How are our fees calculated?

Our fee structure is simple. We charge a flat 3% fee per swap transaction. This includes the miner fee that is needed for the onchain parts of the Submarine Swaps.

Still have questions?

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to us below.

Start swapping Bitcoin for Stacks

LNSwap is a non custodian crypto currency swap protocol that provides a fast, private way of swapping Bitcoin for Stacks and vice versa.